Lite-FBCN: Lightweight Fast Bilinear Convolutional Network for Brain Disease Classification from MRI Image

  • Dewinda Julianensi Rumala Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
  • Reza Fuad Rachmadi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
  • Anggraini Dwi Sensusiati Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Eddy Purnama Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Keywords: Brain Image Classification, Bilinear Pooling, Deep Learning, Lightweight CNNs, Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Achieving high accuracy with computational efficiency in brain disease classification from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans is challenging, particularly when both coarse and fine-grained distinctions are crucial. Current deep learning methods often struggle to balance accuracy with computational demands. We propose Lite-FBCN, a novel Lightweight Fast Bilinear Convolutional Network designed to address this issue. Unlike traditional dual-network bilinear models, Lite-FBCN utilizes a single-network architecture, significantly reducing computational load. Lite-FBCN leverages lightweight, pre-trained CNNs fine-tuned to extract relevant features and incorporates a channel reducer layer before bilinear pooling, minimizing feature map dimensionality and resulting in a compact bilinear vector. Extensive evaluations on cross-validation and hold-out data demonstrate that Lite-FBCN not only surpasses baseline CNNs but also outperforms existing bilinear models. Lite-FBCN with MobileNetV1 attains 98.10% accuracy in cross-validation and 69.37% on hold-out data (a 3% improvement over the baseline). UMAP visualizations further confirm its effectiveness in distinguishing closely related brain disease classes. Moreover, its optimal trade-off between performance and computational efficiency positions Lite-FBCN as a promising solution for enhancing diagnostic capabilities in resource-constrained and or real-time clinical environments.


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How to Cite
Rumala, D. J., Rachmadi, R. F., Sensusiati, A. D., & Purnama, I. K. E. (2024). Lite-FBCN: Lightweight Fast Bilinear Convolutional Network for Brain Disease Classification from MRI Image. EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology, 12(2), 93-111.