Performance Evaluation of mm-Wave Based System in GFDM- 5G and Beyond Channel Model with Dust Storm Scenario

  • Zainab Sh. Hammed Duhok Polytechnic University/Technical Collage Of Emgineering
  • Siddeeq Y. Ameen Technical College of Engineering, Duhok Polytechnic University
Keywords: Pulse-shaping filter, GFDM, OFDM, Physical-Layer, OOB radiation


Telecommunication has made tremendous improvements in terms of bandwidth, requiring good frequency location, high data rates, and wideband spectrum availability. One solution to these requirements is the millimeter wave frequency band of 30 GHz. However, communication in this band is facing new challenges due to climate effects such as humidity, dust storms, and temperature. For fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks and beyond, Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) has been proposed as a compelling candidate to substitute Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The GFDM's ability to adapt the block size and type of pulse shaping filters enables it to meet various crucial requirements, including low latency, low Out-Of-Band(OOB) radiation, and high data rates. This paper evaluated the overall GFDM performance and investigated the Bit Error Rate (BER) across a Rayleigh channel under various weather conditions. The simulation results show that GFDM outperforms the current OFDM candidate system. Also, GFDM offers better resistance to the Rayleigh channel with moderate and heavy dust storms in terms of BER.


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How to Cite
Hammed, Z. S., & Ameen, S. Y. (2024). Performance Evaluation of mm-Wave Based System in GFDM- 5G and Beyond Channel Model with Dust Storm Scenario. EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology, 12(1), 1-21.