Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensors and Android Based Application for Highly Efficient Aquaculture Management System
The main problems in the practice of traditional shrimp aquaculture are related with maintaining good water quality and reducing high operational cost. In this paper it will be described the application of wireless sensors and Android based application as mobile monitoring tool in achieving highly efficient shrimp aquaculture monitoring system. A set of four water quality parameter sensors (pH, temperature, conductivity and DO) were submerged into the pond using a buoy, in which an electronics and Xbee wireless transmitter have been installed to transmit the measured data into a fixed monitoring station. The main component of the fixed monitoring station was a smart data logger capable of performing automatic aeration system. Data transmission from the monitoring station to the master station was done through GSM/GPRS module of a Raspberry microcontroller. Using internet connection, a web based server has been developed from which the Android based application retrieved the measured parameter data. Graphical analysis of water quality data can be performed from a mobile phone, allowing users to monitor the aquaculture regardless of their geographical location. This system has been implemented in a shrimp aquaculture in Bangka island, Indonesia. In addition to giving real-time water quality data, the system was able to reduce the operational electricity cost because of the automatic aeration feature. Consistenly, the system has been sending the measurement data to the web server, which is accessible using Android mobile phones worldwide.
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