Classification and Risk-Mapping of River Water Quality in Surabaya with Semantic Visualitzation
River water pollution is one of the environmental problems that occur in Surabaya. The amount of industrial waste and household waste makes Surabaya River water easily polluted every day, besides that there are also many people who are not aware about the quality of river water in Surabaya. In this paper, we present a new system to classify water quality of river in surabaya. The system involve a semantic visualization of risk-mapping for the river, so that the people of Surabaya are easier to get information about the quality of Surabaya River water. In this paper, we measured the water quality of Surabaya River using Horiba sensor measuring instruments using 5 parameters, namely temperature, PH, DO, Turbidity, TDS. These five parameters are input variables for calculating water quality with the methods applied in this research. We use the Storet Method to determine the quality of Surabaya River water. The results of the Storet Method explained that there were 0.03% of the data on lightly polluted water quality and there were 37.41% of the data being moderately polluted and there were 59.29% of the data heavily polluted. The results of the calculation using the Storet method concluded that the condition of Surabaya River water quality was not good. We also apply the rule of the Storet Method to the Neural Network by using Surabaya River water quality data as learning data and gave performance 70.02% accuracy.
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