Classification Algorithms of Maternal Risk Detection For Preeclampsia With Hypertension During Pregnancy Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy abnormality that develops after 20 weeks of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and proteinuria. Â The purpose of this research was to predict the risk of preeclampsia level in pregnant women during pregnancy process using Neural Network and Deep Learning algorithm, and compare the result of both algorithm. There are 17 parameters that taken from 1077 patient data in Haji General Hospital Surabaya and two hospitals in Makassar start on December 12th 2017 until February 12th 2018. We use particle swarm optimization (PSO) as the feature selection algorithm. This experiment shows that PSO can reduce the number of attributes from 17 to 7 attributes. Using LOO validation on the original data show that the result of Deep Learning has the accuracy of 95.12% and it give faster execution time by using the reduced dataset (eight-speed quicker than the original data performance). Beside that the accuracy of Deep Learning increased 0.56% become 95.68%. Generally, PSO gave the excellent result in the significantly lowering sum attribute as long as keep and improve method and precision although lowering computational period. Deep Learning enables end-to-end framework, and only need input and output without require for tweaking the attributes or features and does not require a long time and complex systems and understanding of the deep data on computing.
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