Automatic Samples Selection Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Feature Distance
Finding victims at a disaster site is the primary goal of Search-and-Rescue (SAR) operations. Many technologies created from research for searching disaster victims through aerial imaging. but, most of them are difficult to detect victims at tsunami disaster sites with victims and backgrounds which are look similar. This research collects post-tsunami aerial imaging data from the internet to builds dataset and model for detecting tsunami disaster victims. Datasets are built based on distance differences from features every sample using Histogram-of-Oriented-Gradient (HOG) method. We use the longest distance to collect samples from photo to generate victim and non-victim samples. We claim steps to collect samples by measuring HOG feature distance from all samples. the longest distance between samples will take as a candidate to build the dataset, then classify victim (positives) and non-victim (negatives) samples manually. The dataset of tsunami disaster victims was re-analyzed using cross-validation Leave-One-Out (LOO) with Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) method. The experimental results show the performance of two test photos with 61.70% precision, 77.60% accuracy, 74.36% recall and f-measure 67.44% to distinguish victim (positives) and non-victim (negatives).Downloads
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