Influence of Logistic Regression Models For Prediction and Analysis of Diabetes Risk Factors
Diabetes is a very serious chronic. Diabetes can occurs when the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin (a hormone used to regulate blood sugar), cause glucose in the blood to be high. The purpose of this study is to provide a different approach in dealing with cases of diabetes, that's with data mining techniques mengguanakan logistic regression algorithm to predict and analyze the risk of diabetes that is implemented in the mobile framework. The dataset used for data modeling using logistic regression algorithm was taken from Soewandhie Hospital on August 1 until September 30, 2017. Attributes obtained from the Hospital Laboratory have 11 attribute, with remove 1 attribute that is the medical record number so it becomes 10 attributes. In the data preparation dataset done preprocessing process using replace missing value, normalization, and feature extraction to produce a good accuracy. The result of this research is performance measure with ROC Curve, and also the attribute analysis that influence to diabetes using p-value. From these results it is known that by using modeling logistic regression algorithm and validation test using leave one out obtained accuracy of 94.77%. And for attributes that affect diabetes is 9 attributes, age, hemoglobin, sex, blood sugar pressure, creatin serum, white cell count, urea, total cholesterol, and bmi. And for attributes triglycerides have no effect on diabetes.
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